Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy
The current model for the commissioning of children’s and adults community health services including therapeutic services means, that at this point, we are unable to state the level of service available. It would be expected that as a result of the following ‘transformation programme’ (Herefordshire Council’s Business Plan 2015-18 CWD Strand, Service and Delivery Development) the identified priorities and outcomes would ensure an effective delivery of high quality service;
- Develop transformation programme for children’s community health services.
- Provide partnership support and accountability for the development of access to targeted/tier 1 or 2 services including SALT and Occupational therapy.
- Develop service links with priority 3, Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing. This will include looking at new models of delivering tier one interventions.
- Later in 2017, use and evaluate learning to help determine possible formats for an integrated SEND service.
The Beacon College, along with the other schools within the MAT will receive support from therapy services from Wye Vale NHS Trust. When there evidence of a substantial gap in provision which is affecting outcomes for the students the Trust will determine whether to commission a service directly. For example, commissioning an Occupational Therapist with specialism and qualifications in sensory integration to provide a service that includes assessment, interventions and training to both staff and families with clear evidence of significant improvements in outcomes for students for behaviour for learning, leading to progress in attainment.
A beneficial, universal approach will be applied with research based whole college strategies consistently embedded throughout, for example; attachment friendly, communication rich environment.